Minecraft Tower House Tutorial
In this Minecraft tutorial, I’ll show you how to build a small starter house with a tower and fully-equipped interior!
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Materials List... (some materials may vary)
-Stone bricks x64
-Stone brick stairs x10
-Stone brick slabs x10
-Mossy stone bricks x14
-Cracked stone bricks x42
-Cobblestone x64
-Cobblestone stairs x10
-Cobblestone slabs x4
-Mossy cobblestone x26
-Polished andesite x15
-Oak logs x96
-Oak pressure plate x1
-Spruce planks x96
-Spruce stairs x96
-Spruce slabs x72
-Spruce trapdoors x34
-Spruce doors x5
-Spruce fence x6
-Spruce fence gate x6
-Spruce sign x11
-Spruce button x1
-Dark oak planks x140
-Dark oak stairs x128
-Dark oak slabs x4
-Barrels x9
-Bookshelves x19
-Smithing table x1
-Smoker x2
-Furnace x2
-Crafting table x2
-Coarse dirt x10
-Oak leaves x32
-Chest x26
-Gray stained glass panes x14
-Iron bar x8
-Anvil x2
-Cauldron x1 (water optional)
-Grindstone x1
-Enchanting table x1
-Scaffolding x2
-Ladder x9
-Bed x1 (any color)
-Campfire x1