Contact yoga set for open chest, relax shoulders and neck

Share with you small set for open chest, easy breathing, relax shoulders and neck from 1.5 contact yoga class. Its very simple, enjoyable and effective. Contact me to get full session which includes also stretching for legs, lower back, relax body, balance and tantric meditation. 💚It gives sens of connection, support, closeness, nurish body with warm palms of other person, care, attention and love. 🔮It has physical, emotional and mental benefits. U can feel your partner or friend beyond mind concept, stay together in body in present moment, accepting each other. Come to meditative state through returning to the body. Touch calms you down and help to relax. Through the practice we r fulfilling our need of touch and hugs. 👫Help for couples become more close and connected, helps for understanding, synchronization and trust. telegeam: @LesyaAmrita
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