Cross Country Worldcup in Düsseldorf 2011 (part 1),полуфинал командного спринта

In 2011 the FIS Cross Country Worldcup took place in Düsseldorf for the tenth time already. Tons of artificial snow were transported to the Rhine shore once again to get a piste or ski slope in the very centre of the city. This video shows some views of the event and the first race of the semifinals of the free team sprint for men where a controversial sudden manoeuvre of Josef Wenzl shortly before reaching the finish led to the fall of Alexey Petukhov and thus to the disqualification of the team Germany I. The team with Martin Jaeger and Eligius Tambornino (Switzerland I) won this competition. For more information about this event cf. the official webpage: Impressionen vom Skilanglauf-Weltcup in Düsseldorf 2011 (Teil 1) 2011 fand der FIS Skiweltcup schon zum zehnten Mal in Düsseldorf statt. Wieder einmal war tonnenweise Kunstschnee angekarrt worden, um am Rheinufer eine Skipiste zu erzeugen. Das Video zeigt Aufnahmen von diesem
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