Siamese Cat supervises the soup

Sometimes Hunter gets lost in thought just staring blankly at something for an excessively long time. We call it ’getting stuck.’ Usually it happens in the basement where he will ’get stuck’ staring at a spot on the cement floor until we come and ’unstuck’ him. But today he seems fascinated with the soup on the stove that has yet to start boiling. ©Hunter The Siamese Kitty Music in this video: Song - Blue Jacket Artist - Blanket Barricade Licensed to YouTube by VISO Music; ASCAP, LatinAutor, LatinAutorPerf, and 13 Music Rights Societies WK Music Productions ℗ Wesley Krauss Background Music For Videos / Blanket Barricade Funny BGM copyrighted 2017 Watch our 26 song music for videos compilation here: Blue Jacket -
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