Portal: Singularity Collapse - Showcase #1

Hi there! We call ourselves Project Collapse Studios. I’m (The_Enderek0) the leader of this team, consisting of 4 people. So what is exactly Portal: Singularity Collapse? It’s a modification for Portal 2 running on P2CE engine. Let me present you the backstory: You wake up in Aperture Science Enrichment Center in the middle of nowhere. A mysterious core speaks to you via the intercom system saying that he will rescue you, but first you need to complete some chambers to escape. Then, another core named REDACTED contacts to you saying that the first one is a dangerous core and shouldn’t be trusted. From now on you decide with who you want to stay. Be prepered for Unforseen Consequences. Long time ago Black Mesa cooperated with Aperture Science to make minature holes for Portal Guns. It turns out that they needed a giant one to make them. Because GLaDOS killed all of the employees of the facilty, the black hole has become VERY unstable and can suck Earth at any time. The question is: Will you save Earth and
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