The Celtic Blessing | Celtic Worship & Friends (ft. Steph Macleod)

Our version of ‘The Blessing’ - sung in English and Scottish Gaelic. As with our brothers and sisters around the world, this song has helped us unite in Christ during a time of seperation. We’ve felt it right to offer our version in the music and language traditions rooted here in Scotland, joined by friends from across the nation. May it bless you. The Blessing - Written by Steven Furtick, Chris Brown, Kari Jobe, Cody Carnes Instrumentalists: Chris Amer - Electric/Tenor Guitar Beccy Amphlett - Violin Matt Carmichael - Saxophone Josh Elcock - Trumpet Ally Forsyth - Keys Lucie Hendry - Clarsach Steph MacLeod - Acoustic Guitar Susan Miller - Whistle Mhairi Marwick - Violin Padruig Morrison - Accordion Jess Muir - Violin David Munn - Cello Timothy Ness - Bagpipes Neil Paton - Percussion Adam Penketh - Trombone Gus Stirrat - Bass/Moog Ifedade Thomas - Drums Matt Wilkinson - Violin Scott Wood - Bagpipes/Whistle Vocalists: Jordan Bull Dave Brackenridge Mark Cameron Ishbel Campbell Daniel Cox Pete Crocke
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