Welcome back to my channel! Today I have a special video for you, it’s a compilation video, but it’s the most special video I’ve ever made.
Today’s video is a compilation of very video I’ve ever filmed. 500 seconds for 500 videos.
One night, when I started filming, I called out “ 500 cut one”, and I was startled for a second, because I never thought about the number of videos I’ve made, even though I always call out the number at every beginning of filming. But this number just seemed like an impossible number to accomplish, but I did it! I’m very proud of myself and extremely thankful for you guys’ support and YouTube as a platform, to give me this opportunity to do something that I love, and to support my family while doing it. I am just extremely lucky! So thank you, thank you, thank you and I love you all!
In the making of this video, I had to watch all of my old videos and it really took me down memory lane. I remember what I was like back then and what my life was like back then, which is very different from what it is now.
I remember my first video, having just bought my very first Zoom recorder and trying out my favorite ear cleaning triggers on it. And now I have over 10 different mics and recorders, and must be thousands of different props!
I remember my second video, someone commented asking for a longer video, so I made one and thinking to myself “wow how could anyone do this for 40 minutes, it’s so painful!”(lol, 40 minutes is actually a lot easier to film now I’m so used to it).
I remember my first viral video that got over 1 million views, which is the “rhinestone covered palms“ video. And since then so many ASMR artists made many amazing rhinestone palms videos inspired by me, I’m extremely flattered!
I remember filming while being pregnant (of course no one knew because I didn’t announce and I never showed my baby bump) , and someone commenting “did her boobs get bigger?” (Looool)
I remember my first 100k sub,200k,300k….900k celebration videos, and the special 1 million sub celebration video. I always made long 3 or 4 hour celebration videos. Planning, purchasing props, filming and editing were such pain, but in the end I always felt so accomplished!
So many memories and life changes, you’ve been with me along the way. And I hope I get to do this for as long as I can and continue to make you guys tingle, relax and sleep!
You can also find me on Apple Music and any other major platforms!
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Thank you for your support!
#asmr #asmrnotalking
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