ASMR Directional Therapy for Pain (physical, mental, insomnia)

Welcome to our channel. The family you’ve always needed. This is your safe space, and if nobody has told you they loved you today, I love you, with all of my person. We sound like a cult, because we probably are. Hey there! My name is Karuna and I’d “like to say” that I help people sleep for a living. I also do different type of simulated therapies as I am not a medical professional - to help those deal with their own issues, all whilst experiencing tingles and getting sleep. In this particular video, I’m doing what I call “redirectional therapy”, and obviously we hear redirection used everywhere, so this isn’t actually a thing. They use redirection in psychotherapy, but it’s not the same. I’m essentially trying to redirect you from an issue whether stemming from physical or mental pain, and out those feelings into something relaxing. I hope you enjoy whatever you get out of this! And know.. if nobody has told you they loved you today.. know that I love you! With all of my person. I will see you tomorrow family! #asmr #asmrtherapy #asmrsleep ~ BUSINESS EMAIL contactkarunasatoriasmr@ ~ MY SECOND CHANNEL ~ ~ MY ASMR ON SPOTIFY - ~ INSTAGRAM • @_karunasatoriasmr TWITTER • @KSASMROFFICIAL FACEBOOK • TikTok • @karunasatoriasmr FACEBOOK STREAMING PAGE • 💝 GIFT ME 💝 •
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