Timed Shoulder Circuit

Grab a few sets of light DB’s and get cooking🍳 with this timed interval circuit. Set the clock ⏰ for 60 seconds of work 30 seconds of rest for each of the following patterns: DB Lateral Raises DB Arnold Presses DB Front Raises DB Neutral Grip Alt. Presses That’s one☝️ cycle the goal is to compete 2 total cycles chasing quality reps throughout. Again, light loads go a long way here guys -so check the weight ego at the door🚪 as this one☝️ gets gnarly in a hurry. Just something different to give your shoulders some extra love it his week. Enjoy and comment below if you light up your shoulders with this circuit. This channel is dedicated FOR YOU! To help you reach your maximum potential in your health & fitness journey. Subscribe today and I will answer every single question you ask. My name is Jeremy Scott; I am an author, coach, speaker, and cover model that currently runs Jeremy Scott Fitne
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