WING CHUN KICKS | Training Methods to Develop Power | Wai Po Tang
Kicking Maximal propulsion power is generated from ground up. Master Wai-Po Tang demonstrates many interesting training methods to develop some Wing Chun kicks and knee Kick. He focussed on the biomechanics of foot ankle joint to enhance the engagement of the gluteal muscles and the transfer of the propulsion force. It is relevant to any martial arts discipline, Kung Fu, Karate, MMA, boxing, Thai boxing, etc..
2 months ago 00:01:01 1
Kungfu china master 137/Hướng dẫn múa gậy #霞光腊月#kungfu #wing chun
5 months ago 00:04:32 1
“henny“ for Hennessy
5 months ago 00:17:37 1
Урок 11 “ Концепция перемещений на уровне сиу лим тао через практику Yee Ji Kim Yeung Ma “