Picnic Is Art A “Feastival” (2017) dans les jardins du Moulin Jaune

Slava Polunin is a clown. He’s also the self-appointed president of the International Academy of Fools and the creator of Moulin Jaune, a home for creativity, a garden and a place of daily celebration. At the Moulin Jaune Slava joins forces with multiple artists and artisans to create a journey where nature, creativity and everyday life are weaved together in the art of joyful, festive and wonderful living. On the 3 hectars around the house live raw art, spontaneous fairy tale and felliniesque circus. More about what’s happening at the Moulin can be found here: Shot at Moulin Jaune in Crécy-la-Chapelle, France in June 2017. Film created by Ilya Soloview Cinematography by Aleksandra Miasnikova Edited by Anton Ivanov Color correction — Evgeny Gvozdev // Dark Room Music by Ilya Baramiya and Aigel Titles by Max Kuzhegetov Sound by Yuri Nazarov Shot on Sony a7II Sony sal 24-70 2.8 ZA Petri 50mm Soligor 28mm Mir 1B 37mm Pentacon 135mm Special thanks to Dasha Potapova, Oksana Maslova, Lunapark and of course to Slava Polunin for making this happen.
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