[SFM] The “Perfect“ Team

What did he expect? Competent people? We are talking about the RED/BLU Team here. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (Poor Heavy. Looks like spending dollars every time he shoot his gun for 12 seconds may be a little too much for Civilian). :P I like this Civilian fella. He sounds like an easy to dislike guy... and we MUST protect him, cuz’ he is the guy paying us at the end of the month. Sounds just like real life. lmao Workshop items (there are many, I’ll link the ones with most screentime. Ask in the comments if you need the name of something that was not linked here ^^’): Civilian: Civilian’s Voice: Civilian’...s Umbrella: Dust particles: Fire particles: Frontline props: and Enhanced Spycrab: Mini-Teleporter: Mini-Dispenser: Map: Dustbowl Some effects and text were added using Wondershare Filmora9.
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