Sixten Sparre And Elvira Madigan: The Ballad Of Elvira Madigan.

A tribute to Sixten Sparre and Elvira Madigan. I had created a tribute to the 1967 film that is based upon this real life event at my sister channel, Serenadesong. However, since this video deals with the actual subject matter which took place in 1889, and since the song is from 1942, I felt it more appropriate to post this video here. This Swedish song was written by Johan Lindström Saxon in 1889 and tells the true story of the impossible love between the Danish circus queen and tightrope walker Elvira Madigan and the aristocratic Swedish Lieutenant Sixten Sparre. It ended in tragedy. Sparre killed first his love and then himself with his pistol. Sixten Sparre was 35 years old when this happened, was married and had two children. Elvira Madigan was only 22.
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