Halo Infinite Impressions: Exploration, Upgrades, and More

Halo Infinite is only weeks away, and Matt Miller, Brian Shea, and Alex Stadnik are here to break down their campaign impressions from GI’s recent cover story with 343! Join the crew as they discuss the game’s story, combat, and so much more! Halo Infinite is this month’s Game Informer cover, and if you can’t get enough from Master Chief and company, be sure to head over to for more! // S U B S C R I B E Don’t miss any of our video features or exclusive coverage! Subscribe to the channel: // FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | // READ GAME INFORMER MAGAZINE 1 Year Digital Subscription for $: 1 Year Physical Subscription for $: // M E R C H Show off your love for Game Informer – Stick
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