《鲜血凝成的伟大友谊》 - A Great Friendship Sealed in Blood (PRC-DPRK Friendship Song)

A Chinese song about the friendship of the peoples of PRC and DPRK in the struggle against imperialism. First as guerrillas against Japanese imperialists, and later fighting on the frontline against US imperialists. Record: 我们的朋友遍天下 (革命歌曲) / We Have Friends All Over the World (Revolutionary Songs) 1972 Painting: A painting in the Korean-Chinese Friendship Tower, dedicated to China’s assistance in the Fatherland Liberation War, known in China as the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea (抗美援朝战争) Lyrics: 战斗的团结,伟大的友谊 我们中朝两国人民的鲜血凝在一起 在那抗日战争的年代里 我们一同爬冰卧&#
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