Kim Jong Un Directly Guides Power Demonstration Firing / Kim Jong Un Roketatar Tatbikatını İzledi

English and Turkish Description: Kim Jong Un gave the order to organise the show of force firing and provided guidance on the spot. Emphasising the duty of the armed forces of the DPRK to protect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the state, he noted that today’s show of force will demonstrate the consequences that enemies will face in the event of their provocation. The 3rd Battalion of the 331st Red Banner Artillery Regiment of the Korean People’s Army participated in the exercise and conducted a firepower selva using the integrated fire control system. General Jang Chang Ha commanded the fire attack. The artillerymen, numbering up to a hundred men, hit an island target 365 kilometres away with pinpoint accuracy. Kim Jong Un noted that the powerful means of warfare of the DPRK maintain a counterattack posture and are fully prepared. He stressed that the nuclear forces of the DPRK should increase their readiness to deter war and take the initiative in sudden situations. The combat
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