Celebration of the Eternal Victory 영원한 전승의 축포 C

Commander Kim Il Sung founded the Anti-Japanese People’s Guerrilla Army (Later it was reorganized into the Korean People’s Revolutionary Army), the first revolutionary armed force of the Korean people, on April 25, Juche 21 (1932). That day, Songjiang Street in the county town of Antu, China, was crowded with people who came to see the first parade of the AJPGA. Seen here and there in the street were slogans welcoming the guerrilla army. A bugle call rang out. Then, the guerrilla army, flying the flag inscribed with the word Anti-Japanese People’s Guerrilla Army in the van, marched in a fine array along the street amid the enthusiastic cheers of the crowds. When the AJPGA formed in columns in the centre of the street, Kim Il Sung appeared on the platform. After receiving a report from Cha Kwang Su, chief of the staff of the AJPGA, he reviewed the parade columns. Then he made a speech. He warmly congratulated the soldiers of the AJPGA, the Korean and Chin
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