Data Fetching In React with Remix, NextJS, React Query, Streaming, and more

According to Idez this one is a “mandatory watch for any React dev“. If you like this check out my Twitter where I talk about stuff like this every day Keywords: REACT JAVASCRIPT TYPESCRIPT JS TS DATA FETCHING REACT QUERY SWR NEXTJS NEXT JS REMIX STREAMING JSON TRPC GRAPHQL SSR SSG ISR SERVER FETCH AXIOS LIVE EVERY WEDNESDAY AT ROUGHLY 1PM PT Twitch: Twitter: Instagram: Everywhere else: And obv shoutout Idez as always 🙏 Timestamps 00:00 intro 01:02 react query 03:53 what we are and aren’t we talking about 07:00 spa data fetching 22:14 nextjs ssr 28:58 remix 33:58 comparing remix loaders and getServerSideProps 43:25 react streaming 51:34 chat q & a and ou ... #Theo 20220730 Ao8F3FypsbI
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