Advanced Grapple Hook System - Using Unreal Engine 4 (Sekiro Style)

Hello everyone! I was always very impressed by Sekiro:Shadows Die Twice innovative game mechanics. So, I decided to re-create my favorite mechanic from the game which was grappling hook. While grapple systems seems less complex, but this system goes in to very deep regarding collision handling, animation mapping, object detection etc. This grappling mechanism uses many things like off-screen indicators to display grapple points, distance and angle validations against player, using an arc path to travel between points are some of them. Anyone who would like to study furthermore about this game mechanic, I have added the Git hub link of the repository. If you like my video or learned something new from it, then like, subscribe and share with your friends. What popular game mechanic breakdown/implementation would you like to see next? Comment below. Assets used : Used some animations from Mixamo. Github Link: Thank you watching :)
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