New Charles Dowding module trays of 15 and 30 cells

Smaller versions of my CD60 module tray. Same cell size, smooth polypropylene for easy removal of plants. Economical on compost thanks to tapering cell shape, which also means less chance of overwatering. 00:00 Explanation of the 60 cell module tray design, and it’s benefits 00:58 Introduction of the new 30 cell tray 01:21 Showing a Claytonia/winter purslane transplant from the tray, with brief explanation of how to plant 01:44 Showing mustards and Grenoble red lettuce in the new 15 cell trays, plus chervil, coriander, lamb’s lettuce 02:07 Showing the Small Garden, to demonstrate what can be grown from a 15 or 30 cell tray 02:19 A look at red Russian kale, 02:33 …radicchio, 02:45 ...and multisown leeks 03:07 The only plants I don’t advise raising in these trays - broad beans and runner beans 03:22 Information on distributors *links in description below* 03:35 Several months later, 1st March, a slight delay in production! 03:34 Showing multisown radish in 15 an
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