Skull & Bones: The SECRET SOCIETY You Didn’t Know About

The truth about the mysterious Skull and Bones! These secrets covering the rituals, elitism, initiation, rumors, and theories regarding this Yale University secret society include tales of coffins, politicians, and more. From a legacy of legislators and leaders to initiation by coffin, today we look at Skull and Bones: The Secret Society You Didn’t Know About. #10 Origin The beginnings of this secret society can be traced back to Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut. In 1832, Skull & Bones founders Alfonso Taft and William Huntington Russell created the secret society in response to Russell’s lack of invitation to the academic society Phi Beta Kappa. From then on, more secret societies would begin to sprout up in thanks, or as a counter, to the popularity of Skull & Bones. The founders of the society Scroll and Key created the organization for reasons similar to Russell and Taft, but this time due to being excluded from Skull & Bones! These se
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