WORTH the $$$? Native Union Leather AirPod Pro Case Review

This leather case feels great in the dark. BUT it looks terrible in the light. Honestly, look at the picture that’s on the box and then look at the case on my AirPod’s. One of these thing is not like the other… This Native Union Leather case makes my AirPod Pro’s look like it has a muffin for the rest of this review, I’m going to talk about the product and then give you guys some other leather case alternatives. See if these things exist on Amazon: Amazon US: Amazon CA: Amazon UK: Amazon DE: At MREH, Monty and I are getting tired of buying overpriced things from the Apple Store. Seriously, $40 bucks. Or $55 for me after conversion. After using this case for a few weeks, the Native Union Lether AirPod’s Pro Case is #14 out of 22 cases. I’ve got two cases from Ciel and Incipio that I’ll be reviewing over the next few weeks. I do not lik
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