Complete Omnipotence | Infinitely Powerful God |

This subliminal will make you completely omnipotent. Affiramations : I am now completely omnipotent I am now developing complete omnipotence I am now an omnipotent being I am omnipotent and I notice it now I now have absolute power I now have infinite energy I now have infinite power I now have the ability to do anything I now have omnipotence I now have every ability and power I am now omnipotent in every aspect I can do anything with my omnipotence I now have pure omnipotent energy I can do anything in every universe I now have every ability that derives from omnipotence I now have omnipresence at will I can exist everywhere in every universe at the same time I can exist anywhere in time and space I now have omniscience I am all knowing I am completely omniscient I have infinite understanding of everything My intelligence is increasing infinitely by the second My wisdom is increasing infinitely by the second My knowledge o
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