Marvel Adam Warlock Superpowers Subliminal

Gain The powers and abilities of Adam Warlock. Genius level-Intelligence Leadership Occult Expert Navigation Skills Mythical Knowledge Master Tactician Master Strategist Master Martial Artist Accomplishments in Philosophy Xeno-Multilingualism Symbiotic Bond with the Soul Gem Avatar of Life Summoning Superhuman-Physiology Flight Immortality Energy Consumption Cellular Regeneration Superhuman Strength Superhuman Speed Superhuman Stamina Superhuman Agility Superhuman Reflexes Superhuman Durability Ultra Senses Cosmic Awareness Mystic Senses Time Freeze Resistance Reality Warp Resistance Telepathy Telepathic Defense Clairvoyance Energy Manipulation Matter Manipulation Energy Constructs Magic Resurrection Time Travel Soul Anchoring Spell Casting Mystic Portals Quantum Magic Empathy Soul Manipulation Chronokinesis Illusions Cosmic Powers
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