Moss Collecting, Cleaning, and Storing | Keep the moss alive at Home

How to collect Moss, clean it, store it and keep the moss alive Harvesting different types of moss in a forest after a rainy night. - The best time for collecting moss is after a rainy day - Little Shaggy-moss - Place the moss in a container for transporting - Star Moss - Fern Moss - Plume Moss - Pixie Cup Lichen – this is Genus Cladonia - Star Moss - Collect dry leaves from the ground, you will need them later - You will need a transparent container with a lid for storing, soil or orchid mix - Put two layers of the soil (if you plan to keep the moss for a longer period, put pebbles first layer) - Put one layer of dry leaves - Now it’s time for cleaning the moss - Clean them one by one gently in a filtered water - Remove all branches and leaves - Place them in a container - Repeat the steps for all moss - Spray them well with filtered water - Put the lid and place the container in a bright place (avoid the direct sun) - To keep the moss healthy, spray them twice a week #mosscollecting #howtokeepmossalive #m
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