New York, USA destroyed in 7 minutes! Tornado and large hail damaged cars and homes

New York, USA destroyed in 7 minutes! Tornado and large hail damaged cars and homes A tornado with large-sized hail touch down in Ontario and Wayne counties on Monday afternoon, leaving behind devastation. The winds took down trees and power lines, while the hail was large enough to cause damage of its own. Victor, Farmington, and Canandaigua appeared to be the hardest hit. Tornado and flash flood warning is taking effect for parts of the Rochester area Monday evening as thunderstorms rumble across the region. #newyork #storm #canandaigua #farmington #tornado #flood #heavyrain #flooding #naturaldisaster #strongwind #hail #climatechange #news #usa Our content discusses natural disaster news and the latest weather reports throughout the world, including: storm, tornado, flood, flash floods, earthquake, heavy rain, hail, hail storm, wind storm, climate change, weather warning, volcano, cyclone, bad weather, weather news today, compilation of natural disasters, natural disa
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