Sony A7SIII A7S3 10Bit 4K 50p/60p Video Test (Part 1)

Sony A7SIII 10 Bit 4K 50p/60p Video Test (Part 1) Finally, it has been 5 years and its finally here. The Sony A7SIII. I’m going to break down into few different parts, just like the Canon R5 video. The first one is the 10-Bit 50p/60p video test, then the part 2 will be lowlight, then the final part is the 4K 100p/120p. So why I’m excited? As I have been filming with Sony since the original A7S. It has been 6 years now. I always love the lowlight performance of this camera. As I do a lot of weddings. Lowligh
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