Some Musings on Various Longsword Techniques

Cory and Tristan talk about several techniques with the German Longsword. This video was filmed on a mountaintop in Shenandoah National Park and contains some audio distortion, resulting from wind gusts, of which we were not aware until after filming. Hopefully most of what is said can still be understood. *Edit* We are not demonstrating full power nor intent, nor even good fighting stance, speed, etc... in this video. ===================== Копилка знаний о ФЕХТОВАНИИ. Фехтование, Fencing Это самое крупное сообщество фехтовальщиков в России и СНГ. Цель: объединение усилий в накоплении знаний, опыта и навыков фехтования, помощь в обучении других. Теги: Фехтование, Фехтування, Fencing, Sword, Knight, Рыцари, Меч, Холодное оружие, Шашка, Сабля, Рапира, Шпага, Полутор, Двуручник, Лонгсворд, Спорт
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