10 Animal Pets That Attacked Their Owner!

10 Animal Pets That Attacked Their Owner! ➤ Welcome to 10B, your #1 place for all your amazing videos that will inspire you everyday. So make sure to SUBSCRIBE and never miss a video! ➤ SUBSCRIBE: human’s best friend gone wild to pretty scary critters you probably shouldn’t keep as apet, here are 10 hungry or angry animals that decided to attack their owners. Number 1 willmake you never keep a pet again, so watch out for that! Let’s begin:Number 10.) Andre Lumboga – DogsDogs are great pets and are called “Man’s best friend“. They are loyal and loving but requireall of their needs to be provided by their owners in exchange. Andre Lumboga fromIndonesia failed to keep up with his side of the arrangement though and suffered theconsequences when he returned from a vacation in 2011. He had 9 dogs in total and forgot toleave them any food or water for the two weeks he was away
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