Difference Between “==“ vs .Equals() Method C# | == vs Equals() | Equality Operator vs Equal Method

Difference Between “==“ vs .Equals() Method C# | == vs Equals() Method | Equality Operator vs Equal Method difference between == and .Equals() == vs .Equals(), csharp interview questions Why should you override Equals method difference between == operator and Equals() method what is the difference between == vs equals difference between == operator & .Equals() method, .Equals() method in C# C# trips and Tricks C# interview questions and answers “==“ और .Equals() method के बीच अंतर क्या है? Agenda: ------------- Q01. What is the difference between Equality Operator (==) and .Equals() method Comparison in C#? Q02. Can you use the .Equals() method to compare value types in C#? Q03. Can you use the Equality Operator (==) to compare structure objects in C#? Q04. Can you use the Equality Operator (==) to compare class objects in C#?
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