All credits to Monsieur Jack for making the instrumental and vocals of this song.
Check his channel out, he makes a bunch of other good covers too:
This is a song used by the soldiers of Republican Spain during the Spanish Civil War, it has tons of different versions too so search around on youtube for them.
More info:
Sorry if this video is a little bit rough around the edges sometimes, i wanted to get this video out asap for you guys.
Los moros que trajo Franco
En Madrid quieren entrar.
Mientras quede un miliciano
Los moros no pasarán.
Si me quieres escribir,
Ya sabes mi paradero:
Tercera Brigada Mixta
Primera línea de fuego.
Aunque me tiren el puente
Y también la pasarela
Me verás pasar el Ebro
En un barquito de vela.
Diez mil veces que los tiren
Diez mil veces lo haremos,
Tenemos cabeza dura
Los del Cuerpo de Ingenieros.
En el Ebro se han hundido
Las banderas italianas
Y en los puentes sólo quedan
Las que son republicanas.
Si me quieres escribir,
Ya sabes mi paradero:
Tercera Brigada Mixta
Primera línea de fuego.
The Moors that Franco brought
Want to enter Madrid
As long as one militiaman remains,
The Moors will not pass.
If you want to write to me,
You know where I am posted:
The Third Mixed Brigade
In the first line of fire.
Even if they blast our bridge
And also the pontoon,
You will see me crossing the Ebro
In a little sailboat.
They may blast them ten thousand times
Ten thousand times we will restore it
We are all hardheaded
Those from the Corps of Engineers.
In the Ebro they have sunk
The italian flags
And on the bridges there are only
Those of the republicans.
If you want to write to me,
You know where I am posted:
The Third Mixed Brigade
In the first line of fire.
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