Lower Body Sculpting TABATA WORKOUT // glutes, thigh, inner thigh and ab | SUPER STARZ Day 51

SUPER STARZ Day 51 / ⭐️ we are working on glutes, thigh, inner thigh and even ab muscles today. Get ready to burn, tone and sculpt your legs with this lower body sculpting tabata workout today 🔥 🔥 20 sec 10 sec rest intervals 🔥 Subscribe here ➡️ 💥 Join our TRANSFORM FB group and get your 💥 90 DAY SUPER STARZ WORKOUT SCHEDULE ➡️ ➡️ equipment I’m using today 10 lb dumbbell set, 20 lb dumbbell, medium resistance workout band Let’s do it team! JULIETTE WOOTEN CHALLENGE HERE ⤵️ 💧 90 DAY SUPER STARZ WORKOUT CHALLENGE 💧 60 DAY SPARK Playlist ⤵️ 💧 100 DAY OBSESSION Playlist ⤵️ ... 💧 Try Juliette Wooten 21 DAY TRANSFORMATION CHALLENGE ⤵️ 💧 Juliette Wooten 10 day PILATES CHALLENGE ⤵️ ✨Share this workout with a friend and family on Facebook and help me help more people just like you! 📅 GRAB YOUR WORKOUT CALENDAR HERE ⮕ 🔥FREE WEIGHT LOSS MEAL PLAN ⬇️ ⬅ FREE TRIAL 🍏MY NUTRITIONAL RECOMMENDATION 💪 My EQUIPMENT and NUTRITION LIST FOR BEST POSSIBLE RESULTS! ⮕ 👚 SHOP High-Quality Merch // Workout Breakdown // 0:00 TABATA WORKOUT 0:20 TABATA WARM UP TABATA 1 5:02 GOBLET SQUAT TO CALVE RAISE 5:35 SQUAT TAP IN 6:05 SQUATTED KNEE INWARD 6:34 PRISONER TABATA 2 9:35 PlIE SQUAT TO CALVE RAISE 10:08 SPLITE SQUAT POLL 10:40 JUMP SQUAT 11:08 TIP TOE BRIDGE GLUTES THRUST TABATA 3 14:28 ISO REVERSE LUNGE 15:01 ISO GORILLA SQUAT 15:30 ISO DONKEY KICK 16:00 ISO KNEELING SIDE LEG ABDUCTION TABATA 4 19:14 ISO KNEE TAP SQUAT TO KNEE LIFT 19:46 ISO LEG SQUAT 20:18 ISO PLANK TO BEAR 20:46 ISO REVERSE TABLE TOP GLUTE THRUST TABATA 5 (2 X ) WEIGHTS 24:00 CURTSEY LUNGE 24:34 LEAN BACK EXERCISE 25:08 KNEELING HIP THRUST 25:38 BRIDGE GLUTES THRUST 200 rep FINISHER 29:15 RESISTANCE BAND DONKEY KICK 31:44 RESISTANCE BAND PLANK LEG LIFT 34:08 RESISTANCE BAND DYNAMIC BRIDGE LEG PULL 37:47 RESISTANCE BAND SUPINE LEG ABDUCTION D I S C L A M E R This is my own personal workout programs and may not be suited for your specific health or medical condition. You should consult with your physician before beginning any exercise program. Transform by Juliette Wooten and/or Juliette Wooten is not responsible or liable for any injury sustained as a result of using the content in this video. You agree that no information contained in any content provided by Transform by Juliette Wooten and/or Juliette Wooten can be taken as medical or other health advice. By engaging exercises in this video, you do so at your own risk. SUBSCRIBE HERE It helps me to make videos for you all here every single day! Lower Body Sculpting TABATA WORKOUT // glutes, thigh, inner thigh and ab | SUPER STARZ Day 51 #tabata #juliettewooten #superstarz
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