Vampire’s Bite [MTG Arena] | Mono-Black Vampire Drain Deck in GRN Standard
1 Arguel’s Blood Fast (XLN) 90
24 Swamp (RIX) 194
2 Nightmare’s Thirst (M19) 111
3 Dusk Legion Zealot (RIX) 70
4 Sovereign’s Bite (M19) 120
4 Skymarch Bloodletter (XLN) 124
2 Chainer’s Torment (DAR) 82
1 Creeping Chill (GRN) 66
1 Price of Fame (GRN) 83
4 Sanctum Seeker (XLN) 120
1 Twilight Prophet (RIX) 88
2 Vraska’s Contempt (XLN) 129
1 Champion of Dusk (RIX) 64
2 Epicure of Blood (M19) 95
4 Vampire Sovereign (M19) 125
2 Vampire Neonate (M19) 124
2 Cast Down (DAR) 81