The Violents - Alpens Ros, 1961

Posted by The Violents, musicgroup from Stockholm, started in 1959. The Violents was influenced by The Shadows. In 1961 The Violents had a big hit with Alpens ros, which made it to no 5 at Tio i follow up Kors på Idas grav failed to chart. In 1962 the single Liebestwist was released only to be banned on the radio, as it was an insult to a classical piece: Liebestraum av Franz Liszt. In 1962 the band found a singer, Jerry Williams. On their first single, Darling Nelly Grey, they were presented as Jerry Williams & The Violents. The Violents disbanded in 1966. The movie where I found the clips is called Don’t make waves (1967) starring Tony Curtis and Sharon Tate.
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