KPFK News, November 8, 2023 - Is Biden divorcing Zelensky? (And who gets the $200+B?) w/Mark Sleboda

KPFK News November 8, 2023 Is Biden divorcing Zelensky? (And who gets the $200 Billion?) w/Mark Sleboda Produced by Don DeBar Analysts are looking at the cancelation of next year’s presidential election by the man the US has called, to the tune of nearly $200 Billion, “the defender of democracy in Europe today,“ Volodomyr Zelensky. Zelensky has outlawed all but token opposition parties, imprisoned opposition candidates, taken direct control of the media and is now warring with his own military and civilian advisors. In that context, recent articles in US corporate media have been, for the first time since his election in 2019, critical of their once fair-haired child. Don DeBar has more. NEWS 110823 mark sleboda zelensky v zaluzhny EM
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