Botchamania 479

Welcome to wrestling, where the fun never ends and neither does the news cycle. Music... Pizza Deluxe by Post Elvis (Pizza Tower) Ovide and the Gang - Closing Credits Thanks To... Michael Scally for the wonderful thumbnail Funny T for the wonderful Taz & Excalibur drawings Tapla for the Cole & Barrett drawings Matt Kempke for recording everything @MattKempke xRakumenx for doing the whole Sabu vs. Scorpio section xIncisions for Jimmmmmmmmmmy Uso GreatBlackOtaku for talking about things Taz Signs... Camhausen seantnl Atkins’ friend Ivy dr pupper md Matt McMuscles’ Clayfighter cameo Cash Memes... Anthony Ammo, Aspen Kai Paulson, Bevan Morgan, Bevan2, Callum Nicoll, Chris Johnson, Cody Greenwood, Cody Whitaker, Connor Stranimeier, Dan Harrington, dmangrog, Jeremy Taleronik, Jim Low, Jonathan Florez, Jordan Laffey, Kath, Llion James, Maurice Mataban, Nick Getchell, Nick Takker, One More Mosh productions, Simpsons Wrestling Memes, Stephen Yoxall, Thomas Lawson, TJN177 and others who may have made these and then had them “borrowed“ Endings... Alex Slavutskyi for the L.A. Knight ending Matt Myers for Punk vs. Nemeth Jesse Maximum for J.R. reacting to Dogs nhathaniel_h for PunkBob Chris Kifa for that one kick Josh Barker for driving! Gravybeaver for E3 Richie Head for CM Punk Fighting Around The World and Baldur’s Gate @richieWWS George The Jedi for the Boys endings @georgethejedi Knight Dehumidifer for Calming Sounds Of Nature and the Thames intro! @knightdehumidifier4212 Austin Creed for himself Tony Pizza Guy for CRY ME A RIVER DashingSoulJay for uhhh DOWX20 for more Punk/Perry @DOWX20 Noodles Rewards for DEAD DAD That Retro for Roddy Weak Hew Noble for Peep Shur Hueburt for the Cowboy Bebop ending Notes... Big thanks to that one dude at Wembley who yelled NO-ONE READS THE DESCRIPTION, if he sees this I want you to know YOU’RE A BIG LIAR. Bloody hell, what HASN’T happened since the last video? I took a short break due to a family member passing away and my flat-mate nearly bleeding to death and look what happens. So enjoy this episode of Botchamania that is missing some things that occured because this video had to come out at some point so we can all get ready for the next news cycle. List Of Companies And Where To Find Them... WWE Network for payback AEW for All In and reasonably priced food at Wembley GreatBlackOtaku’s streams are here Rev Pro is a thing And Also... But regardless of what you do, take care of yourself and drink plenty of water for good health.
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