my main man Hongjoong needs more respect for his sick burns *dab*
I’m on a hong-loving streak rn don’t @ me
(I still love Woo the mostest in the whole entire universe because he is a perfect angel and my whole world)
BUT Hongjoong and I weirdly have the EXACT same taste in music and now one of my lifetime goals is to chat with him about music and maybe recommend him some stuff.
that’s never gonna happen lol but a girl can dream
I don’t want to be one of those people that keep pushing voting because, honestly, I don’t think fandoms should be defined by numbers but with love and respect, but that’s a whole different can of worms. All I want to say is, if you have the time to vote I would appreciate it and I’m sure the boys will too! But remember, no matter if we win or lose, I love you and so does ATEEZ!
As Jung Wooyoung said, trying is cool. Not just when it comes to voting, but anything. Things don’t always work out, but if you try, even when disheartened, that IS cool. It makes you a really cool person.
I know I just went on a whole rant or whatever but the point is, let’s spread a whole lotta love in this fandom. Let’s welcome all the new Atiny and be kind and respectful to one another. We’re not numbers or statistics, we’re just a group of people who all really love 8 amazing guys in S.K. who are trying their hardest to make music we can love and enjoy.
i exist on a plane referred to as ’instagram’ @ liochidraws
and I appear on WIT some times like spectre of outdated memes under my channel name
pEaCe OuT // lUb ThE wOoBoOtY
let’s be cool together