Just Say OK To Scammers

My mailbox gets a lot of scam emails - I used to partake in some pretty elaborate scam baiting ventures - I think it’s only fair to annoy and waste their time - but just recently, I hit upon a way to do that with almost no investment of effort. Just say OK to scammers! The outro music for this video is Book Bag by E’s Jammy Jams In case you have questions about my scambaiting videos or efforts, you might find the answer below: Why do scammers promise such big rewards, and demand relatively small fees? - Is it just old people who get scammed? - Why are scammers frequently ’Reverend’? - Can you help me recover money from scammers? - Has Atomic Shrimp been scammed before? Is this all about revenge? - Why are the scams so badly written? (Also do stupid people deserve to be scammed?) - ht
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