Buran-Energia 1988 - Soviet Space Program

Music: Звездный Пегас - Сквозь звезды Buran was the first spaceplane to be produced as part of the Soviet/Russian Buran programme. Besides describing the first operational Soviet/Russian shuttle orbiter, “Buran“ was also the designation for the entire Soviet/Russian spaceplane project and its orbiters, which were known as “Buran-class orbiters“. The only orbital launch of a Buran-class orbiter, 1K1 occurred at 03:00:02 UTC on 15 November 1988 from Baikonur Cosmodrome launch pad 110/37. Buran was lifted into space, on an uncrewed mission, by the specially designed Energia rocket. The automated launch sequence performed as specified, and the Energia rocket lifted the vehicle into a temporary orbit before the orbiter separated as programmed. After boosting itself to a higher orbit and completing two orbits around the Earth, the ODU engines fired automatically to begin the descent into the atmosphere, return to the launch site, and horizontal landing on a runway. After mak
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