What Is the Universe?

What is the universe? What does it mean that the universe is a single thought? Scientists are well aware of how the entire universe is connected, and it is a single system. Some of them even go as far as to say that the universe is a single thought. There is a famous quote from Professor James Jeans, who was one of the pioneers of many areas in physics, like quantum gravity and stellar evolution and other things. And he said, “The more you look at nature, the more you study nature, the universe begins to look more and more like a great thought rather than a great machine.” Why? It’s because everything in this machine is connected, not just across all of space but also across all of time. This means that there has to be a program here that holds all of that that exists within time and space in it. And that’s where it becomes very, very similar to what Kabbalists have been saying for millennia. Kabbalists have been writing that we are living in a thought. They call it the
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