Steamed Hams but it’s Doctor Who and the story keeps regenerating

AKA Steamed Hams but Seymour is a time lord. REFERENCES: 1 - they both flub their lines, and it’s b&w and includes the titles/end credits 2 - parodies a doctor who missing episode reconstruction 3 - chalmers arrives at old unit hq, has end credits, vaguely parodies spearhead from space with cliffhanger 4 - this is the kind of shenanigans that tom baker gets up to who is 5? 6 - aggression. violence. 7 - rolls his r’s, says nonsense, and is delightfully manipulative seymour. 8 - is a big finish audio story war doctor - he’s in the war obviously 9 - he’s broody mcbroodface 10 - keeps regenerating into himself, oh ye gods! 11 - steven moffat adds loads of uncomfortable dirty jokes 12 - it’s heaven sent. that’s all 13 - seymour is a woman 14 - he bigenerates like david fourteeninch 15 - i don’t wanna explain this one
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