How to make a Fire ’s first #25

Hello friends. Nice to meet you! My name is Hiroto Yamazaki. I’m Japanese. 🇯🇵Welcome to my channel🇯🇵 Thank you for your patience! I’ve been getting a lot of requests from my viewers. So I made a video on how to make a fire katana. Flaming swords are universal, they’re so cool! I’ve tried to make it easy to understand, with clear explanations, but if there’s anything you’re curious about, please comment😊 【Fire starter👇This is Amazon in Japan 😅】 =pd_sbs_1/355-7013161-5258408?pd_rd_w=mMBKE&pf_rd_p=367c54b8-500b-4071-9b4d-65fe16192688&pf_rd_r=JNQ0AKVB4PENW4707Q3K&pd_rd_r=222a3905-01c5-43bb-a336-5d6f7690b11d&pd_rd_wg=mGXZm&pd_rd_i=B01AR9X1HM&psc=1 【BGM】 Here’s the website for the music used in the video. 音楽:音の園   フリーBGM「津軽三味線合奏」/作(編)曲 : 伊藤ケイスケ 作曲者プレイリスト - instagram🔽 facebook⏬ 🇯🇵I’ll be making more stuff in the future, so support me! Do you have any Japanese friends? If you weren’t there, I’d be your first friend! If you have a Japanese friend, please become my friend too😆 ------------------------------------------ Please subscribe to my channel as it is very encouraging. I love seeing your questions, advice and comments! Feel free to leave a comment. #DemonSlayer #煉獄杏寿郎 #志々雄真実 #山本元柳斎重國 #芦名一心
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