Lukashenko on how only Zelensky does not want peace in Ukraine: You and I have developed a narrative that will be accepted or no

Lukashenko on how only Zelensky does not want peace in Ukraine: You and I have developed a narrative that will be accepted or not accepted throughout the world, that peace in Ukraine depends on the United States and Europe. If they want it, there will be peace; if they don’t, there won’t be. Lately, from my point of view, the situation has changed in that the Americans, seeing the situation on the front and in the Kursk region, and especially the Europeans, want peace more than Zelensky himself. Zelensky is the one who is resisting the most now, offering different formats and different plans for peace talks that are more like slogans. And these proposals, most importantly, do not correspond to what is happening on the ground today. Source: Slavyangrad
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