Путин - Чтобы спасти мир! ~ Putin -To save the world!

Президент приближается... The President is coming... Чтобы спасти мир!! To save the World!! Владимир Владимирович Путин! Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin! According to the survey: 87% of Britons would like to see Vladimir Putin as the country’s prime minister During the voting on social networks, David Kurten, a member of the British Heritage Party, created a real sensation in the British media. It seems that the British want to see Vladimir Putin as Prime Minister of Britain, as more than 87% of the survey participants voted in his favor. However, the answers to this survey are not simple expressions of sympathy for the Russian leader. In the comments under the poll, Courtin’s fans write that Moscow is not an enemy of Britain, but if London continues to insist on its views, Russia will have no choice but to openly confront. It turns out that this is not the first time that Courtin has come out in support of Russia. Earlier, he posted the Russian flag on a social network and urged not to be hostile to our country. Soon after, the local press began spreading information that the British should prepare for an armed conflict with Russia in the coming years. It is obvious that Courtin does not agree with this opinion and categorically opposes armed conflict. He believes that the British government should try to de-escalate the situation in Ukraine, rather than exacerbate it by continuing to supply weapons to the Zelensky regime. And although his opinion provokes a variety of reactions among the British public, it cannot be denied that Courtin arouses interest by offering unconventional ideas and daring to speak out against widely accepted political positions. Those who support Courtin see him as a leader who puts the interests of his country first and is ready to defend his beliefs. And not blindly follow Washington’s lead. At the same time, his opponents criticize his views and consider them to be counter-controversial and incorrect. One thing is for sure - David Courtin is an unusual politician who, despite criticism and controversial issues, continues to be devoted to his ideals. While most politicians are hesitant to express their thoughts openly, Courtin attracts publicity and continues to actively speak on social media.
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