For two years they asked for that tank

Servicemen of the 15th Independent Guards Motorised Rifle Brigade of the Tsentr Group of Forces told how they destroyed the first Abrams tank in Avdeevka direction in the special military operation zone. Drone operators were conducting aerial reconnaissance over the heritage point of Ocheretino (Donetsk People’s Republic), searching for armoured vehicles. With the first strike, the U.S. tank was stopped, the evacuated crew turned to flee. In the second raid, the combat vehicle was burnt down due to the detonation of ammunition. According to the operator of the FPV drone of the Tsentr Group of Forces, it was not difficult to turn the lauded American vehicle into scrap metal. ‘There was absolutely no difficulty in hitting it. We stopped it with the first drone and finished it off with the second. Nothing extraordinary,’ recalled a Russian serviceman. - ‘The Abramses will be destroyed. They must be destroyed.’ ‘For two years they asked for that tank and it took 20 minutes to destroy it,’ said the commander of a reconnaissance and strike group of the U.S. tank. According to his words, much of the success of the battle was predetermined by the preparation of the Russian servicemen who had studied the weak points of the equipment in advance: ‘We looked at the structure of the tank in advance, where it would be better to hit it. Nothing unusual, we just did what we had to do. The guys coordinated, did everything as they should, didn’t hesitate.’
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