Building an Invisible Hinge Box

This box has a clever invisible wooden hinge mechanism. By building the hinge from the exact same piece of wood as the side of the box, it is possible to almost completely hide the hinge when the box is closed. The joinery on this box is hand cut dovetails, which display prominently due to the contrasting color between the walnut and maple lumber used in the box construction. In cutting the dovetails, I used a hybrid approach which is an extension of the Rob Cosman method. I built a small reference block with a one-saw-kerf-recess cut out of it, which I clamp to the side of the pin board to offset the tail board in a very precise and consistent way. This build requires both hand and power tools, and demands absolute precision at every step. Any mistakes will be highly visible and will ruin the look of the box. I learned to make this box from Rob Cosman, who sells many of the tools used in this build. His website is (I am not receiving any compensation for saying this).
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