RAID: Shadow Legends | RAID 101 | Buffs and Debuffs Breakdown, Part 2

We’ve covered the basics of buffs and debuffs in the first part of our Buffs and Debuffs Breakdown series, so let’s explore some more complicated effects. In this second part of our extensive series, we’re covering what are known among the community as ‘crowd control’ debuffs. Stunning, freezing, scaring, angering or putting your enemies to sleep - these powerful debuffs can help you control the flow of battle, by controlling which of your enemies can act at certain times. Play RAID: Shadow Legends for free on all devices: Play on iOS → Play on Android → Play on PC → Join our Facebook Community → Answer the call of the Arbiter now! #raidshadowlegends Chapters: 0:00 Intro 0:44 Stun 1:20 Freeze 1:39 Sleep 2:14 Provoke 2:43 Fear and True Fear 3:13 Block Active Skills 3:48 Block Passive Skills 4:11 Outro
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