How To Candy Chrome Paint a Carbon Bike

Chrome paint and candy color on carbon bikes! here is a full tutorial and material list: black base color US link: black base color EU link: 2K clear coat US link: 2K clear coat EU link: 1K intercoat US link: 1K intercoat EU link: candy color US link: candy color EU link: sanding pad US link: sanding pad EU link: spray gun US link: spray gun EU link: chrome paint: vicrom mirror glaze&sca_esv=564016503&sxsrf=AB5stBhFktIZ5gIEmKFyU8upR3YVJB_4fw:1694279173356&source=hp&ei=Bab8ZJS0E7Ozi-gP3NODiAI&iflsig=AD69kcEAAAAAZPy0FX9QcTQV_ixcwDMi3oLweLnw9Rj4&oq=mipa vicrom mi&gs_lp=Egdnd3Mtd2l6Ig5taXBhIHZpY3Jvb
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