Sólstafir - Fjara (Official Music Video)

From directors Bowen Staines () Gunnar B. Guðbjörnsson (), comes a new project for Iceland’s masters of psychedelic metal, Sólstafir. The video is for the song, “Fjara“, off Sólstafir’s chart-topping double album, “Svartir Sandar“. The conceptualization for the video began back in July of 2011, and started production in late-September. The story follows a young woman who bears a difficult and woeful burden, obsessively dragging behind her a large, timber coffin. Her intentions are uncertain, as she encounters Four Spirits along the way - the Earth, the Desert, the Enlightened, and the Devoted - like lighthouses guiding her path. The ultimate purpose of her journey is slowly revealed through her encounters with these Spirits. The lead role was gladly given to Rebekka Kolbeinsdóttir, an exceptionally talented actress and versatile musician. Rebekka’s enthusiasm and commitment to the project was immed
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