Леопард попытался вроде как напасть на дикообраза. Несколько раз. Но тот только выпустил в него иголки. Хотя дикообраз и не имее

Young Leopard hunting a Porcupine. Not that experienced yet. He kept going for it but only got the sharp end of this prickly fella. The Porcupine stood his ground. Location: H1-4 near Satara. Kruger Park Tinged by Jaco De Swardt BOOK YOUR TRIP TO KRUGER: Send in your wildlife video here, and earn money: To license the footage: Contact@ Get some of our exclusive specials at the Kruger National Park (Free nights): Snapchat: LatestSightings Twitter & Instagram: @LatestKruger For live wildlife sightings in the Kruger National Park: And like our Facebook page for great sightings and photos: Subscribe to us on YouTube:
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